NC DPS JUVENILE JUSTICE/JCPC REFERRAL FORM (required for DJJ referrals)Date of Referral: Date NC Join ID #: NumberReferring Program/School: County: Juvenile Name: First Name Last Name D.O.B: Date SSN#: Number Gender: Male Female Race: Caucasian African American Hispanic/Latino Native AmericanOther: School: Grade: Number Legal Guardian: First Name Last Name Phone#: Area Code Phone Number Email: Email Relationship to child: Physical Address: Street Address Address Line 2 City State Zip Mailing Address: Street Address Address Line 2 City State Zip Is there Juvenile Justice Involvement? Yes No Is participation in this program court ordered? Yes No Is participation in this program a part of a diversion plan/contract? Yes No Court Counselor: First Name Last Name Phone: Area Code Phone Number Email: Email Client Risk Score/Level: Number Client Needs Score/Level: Number
Problem Behaviors Risk Indicators:
Below, Enter the number of problems the client has experienced over the previous 12 months, or write "Unknown" in the box:
Participant Full Name: First Name Last Name Parent/Legal Guardian Name: First Name Last Name Phone: Area Code Phone Number Parent/Legal Guardian Name: First Name Last Name Phone: Area Code Phone Number I understand that participation in the program is an opportunity for the above named participant to increase achievement by growing essential life and communication skills, practicing problem solving and decision making strategies, and increasing awareness of opportunities for success in school, at home and in the community, equipping the participant for future success.
Service Plan
Schedule: Services will be provided Monday-Friday from 2:45 PM - 5:00PMDuration:12 hours per weeks or more depending on participant service needs/progress Intervention format/content: SKIP component work with youth ages 10-17 years old who are At-Risk of becoming 1st time delinquent juveniles or have a first offense currently, we are also will be proactive in providing resources and training for youth who may have reports of substance abuse issues, work with other providers on mental health issues and those at-risk of becoming involved, work with youth that are low, and moderate to serious behavior problems at school. We will also work with youth who are At-risk or involved with negative and/or delinquent peers. We also work with youth and their families to fill in the gap of lack of parental supervision. We will accomplish this as stated below. Youth (ages 10-17) tutoring and homework assistance are priority risk factors in Harnett County. We will address lack of respect for authority, absence of positive role models and lack of socially acceptable values in the SKIP component. PAL will coordinate with schools and teachers to ensure the student is getting help in the proper classes. A comprehensive mentoring program is in place to provide each student a mentor to help with homework and access with them in school. This is a partnership with Dunn Area Chamber of Commerce, local churches and citizens in the community that provide mentors and they are assigned to work with youth to help with grades and be positive role models. Furthermore, helping educate the parents is a vital role for them successfully working with their children.
Release of Information
It is understood that the program will not share confidential information on the above named juvenile other than that which is expressly noted below: N/A not information is to be shared ORTo communicate with and disclose to one another: Other public or private provider DJJ (if applicable)The following information relating to the juvenile named above:INFORMATION TO BE SHARED by the program as appropriate:
Participant Agreement
By signing below, I affirm that I am the parent/guardian of the above named child, and I agree for my child to participate in the program. I/We agree to support and encourage at home the concepts learned through participation with the program.Parent/Legal Guardian Signature and dateSignature Date Signature Date
N.C. Department of Public Safety
Community Programs Risk Assessment Tool for JCPC Programs
Juvenile Name: First Name Last Name DOB: Date County of Residence: SS#: Juvenile Race: Caucasian African American Hispanic/Latino Multi-racial Asian Native American Other Juvenile Gender: Male Female Date Assessment Completed: Date Completed by: First Name Last Name Instructions for completing and scoring the Risk Assessment: Complete each assessment item R5 to R9 using the best available information. Check the numeric score associated with each item response and enter it on the line to the right of the item. Total the item scores to determine the level of risk and check the appropriate risk level in R10. Assessment item R5 is historical in nature and should be answered based on the juvenile's lifetime. Items R6 and R7 should be evaluated over the 12 months prior to the assessment. R8-R9 should be evaluated as of the time of the assessment. Use the Comments section at the end as needed for additional information or clarification.
Answer the following questions about the juvenile’s primary family. The primary family is the juvenile’s natural family or the family unit that the juvenile is living with on a permanent basis. If the juvenile is placed away from home, the question should be answered about the “family” to which the juvenile will be returning. Make any needed clarifying comments in the comment section.
Contact Record
Juvenile Court Client Monthly Progress Report
Date of Report: Date Client ID/NCJOIN#: Court Counselor: First Name Last Name Referring Program/School Name: Program Name/Component: (S.K.I.P or College/Career Readiness) Person Completing Progress Report: First Name Last Name E-Mail Address: Email Telephone Number/Ext.: Area Code Phone Number Program Admission Date: Date Termination Date: Date Summary of Client Progress: Issues/Concerns:
Termination Notification
(to be completed by staff upon child's completion of the program)
Date: Date
Parent/Guardian: First Name Last Name Address: Street Address Address Line 2 City/State/Zip: City State Zip Dear Parent/Guardian First Name Parent/Guardian Last Name , Thank you for allowing your child to participate in the Program Name Program (S.K.I.P or Career Readiness). This notice should serve to summarize your child's accomplishments. Child First Name Child Last Name participated in the program from Admission Date to Last Contact Date and termination outcome was:Successful Native American Unsuccessful Your child received Number hours of service and participated in the following program activities during the course of program participation:S.K.I.P- Homework/Tutoring Media Arts College/Career Readiness Culinary Arts TERMINATION OUTCOME: No need for additional program services was indicated; The need for additional program services was indicated and we will direct you to available programs in the community to assist Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, or if you are interested in other services our program may have to offer in the future.Sincerely, Signature First Name Last Name Email Area Code Phone Number (Staff Completing): First Name Last Name Date of Completion: Date